Configuring Amazon S3

Your Vantage QU4RTET instance is pre-configured to store task data (inbound messages) and log files in Amazon S3 if you wish. All you have to do is enable AWS systems manager (See the Parameters Guide), set up a bucket and configure a few simple parameter settings in the AWS Parameter Store.

Create The Bucket in S3

Go to the AWS Console and Click on the S3 link. Then click on the Create Bucket button.

Create bucket named qu4rtet-tasks by using a DNS compliant name for example:

Obviously, don't use your organizations domain or something that you know will be unique.

Accept all the defaults after creating the bucket do not make your bucket public.

Create a User To Access the Bucket

Go to the Amazon Identity and Access Management Page and create a new user by clicking Users then Add User on the following page.

On the new user page, provide a name and then make sure to select the Programmatic access check box.

add user

On the next page, Click attach existing policies directly and search for S3. Select AmazonS3FullAccess and click the Next: Review button at the bottom of the page.


Review the user you created and click the Create user button on the next page.

Take note to download the .csv file with the access keys! Click on the Download.csv file and save it somewhere safe and secure.

Add S3 Parameters to the Parameter Store

Note: To use parameters in the AWS Parameter Store to configure your QU4RTET instance, you'll need to follow the sections Add PARAMETER_GROUP to User Data and the AWS Systems Manager Configuration sections.

Things you will need:

  • The name of the S3 bucket we created above.
  • Your .csv file from the IAM steps above.
  • The name of your PARAMETER_GROUP. For example, if the User Data on your EC2 QU4RTET instance is PARAMETER_GROUP='GROUP-1' then your group name is GROUP-1.

Enter the Parameters

Go to the EC2 home page and at the bottom left menu under Systems Manager Shared Resources select the Parameter Store link.

param store

QU4RTET parameters are entered into the parameter store in the following naming format:

/[group name]/[parameter name]
# for example

Enter in the following parameters (assumes your group name is 'GROUP-1'):

Parameter Name Value Type Description
/GROUP-1/USE_AWS True String This tells your QU4RTET instance to load AWS configurations.
/GROUP-1/DJANGO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Get this value from your .csv spread sheet. String This is how your QU4RTET instance identifies itself to AWS to get access to the S3 bucket we created.
/GROUP-1/DJANGO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Get this value from your .csv SecureString This is basically the password for your S3 access.
/GROUP-1/DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME This is the name of the bucket you created above. String The name of the bucket that QU4RTET will store it's data in.

Reboot Your Server

Go to the EC2 home page, select your running QU4RTET instance, right click Instance State/Reboot
